Što su rekli o raznolikosti

17.05.21. | Intervju

Considering INA’s D&I strategy and continuous work related to this issue, we can say that every month is diversity month in INA. When I first came to Croatia, I was truly amazed by the positive atmosphere, high professionalism and diversity of our colleagues at all levels and in various business segments of the company. We will, of course, celebrate this special occasion appropriately by giving it the importance it deserves.

U sklopu dvogodišnjeg projekta Lideri uključivosti na radnome mjestu nastavljamo s intervjuima s čelnicima kompanija potpisnika Povelje o raznolikosti. Intervjui su na engleskom jeziku kako bi iskustva bila približena svim europskim poveljama kao i Europskoj komisiji.

#poveljaoraznolikosti #hrpsor #INA #dop #D&I #WIC #workplaceinclusionchampion #europeancommission #EUdiversityplatform #DiversityCharterCroatia #DiversityCharterSlovenia #DiversityCharterRomania

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