Što su rekli o raznolikosti

19.05.21. | Intervju

Having a diverse team encourages creativity and innovation and allows us to learn from each other every day, and there is a great opportunity in the fact that we in HT at the moment have i.e. colleagues from 12 countries which enables us to have the chance of exchanging views, experiences, learning from each other and essentially provides us as an organization, as professionals, as colleagues and as individuals to grow.

U sklopu dvogodišnjeg projekta Lideri uključivosti na radnome mjestu nastavljamo s intervjuima s čelnicima kompanija potpisnika Povelje o raznolikosti. Intervjui su na engleskom jeziku kako bi iskustva bila približena svim europskim poveljama kao i Europskoj komisiji.

#poveljaoraznolikosti #hrpsor #HT #HrvatskiTelekom #dop #D&I #WIC #workplaceinclusionchampion #europeancommission #EUdiversityplatform #DiversityCharterCroatia #DiversityCharterSlovenia #DiversityCharterRomania

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