Što su rekli o raznolikosti

26.05.21. | Intervju

We are mainly focused on gender, age and organisational function issues, but being focused on only a few aspects inevitably makes us value and embrace all types of differences because it teaches us to respect others. And this is the key driver for this journey – to foster mutual respect for every one of us.

U sklopu dvogodišnjeg projekta Lideri uključivosti na radnome mjestu nastavljamo s intervjuima s čelnicima kompanija potpisnika Povelje o raznolikosti. Intervjui su na engleskom jeziku kako bi iskustva bila približena svim europskim poveljama kao i Europskoj komisiji.

#poveljaoraznolikosti #hrpsor #VetropackStraza #VST #dop #D&I #WIC #workplaceinclusionchampion #europeancommission #EUdiversityplatform #DiversityCharterCroatia #DiversityCharterSlovenia #DiversityCharterRomania

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