Što su rekli o raznolikosti

31.05.21. | Intervju

Twenty years ago, the leadership of the Schneider Electric team was predominantly male. Gender imbalance in a male-dominated industry was something we decided to tackle head-on. Today I am proud to say that females make up 42% of our Board and manage more than 50% of our business. We are delighted with these numbers, but we also know that diversity is not just about percentages (be it gender, nationality, ethnicity, LGBT+, generation, disability, etc.). We build an inclusive environment where our people feel like they belong, are uniquely valued, and feel safe to contribute their best.

U sklopu dvogodišnjeg projekta Lideri uključivosti na radnome mjestu nastavljamo s intervjuima s čelnicima kompanija potpisnika Povelje o raznolikosti. Intervjui su na engleskom jeziku kako bi iskustva bila približena svim europskim poveljama kao i Europskoj komisiji.

#poveljaoraznolikosti #hrpsor #schneiderelectric #SE #dop #D&I #WIC #workplaceinclusionchampion #europeancommission #EUdiversityplatform #DiversityCharterCroatia #DiversityCharterSlovenia #DiversityCharterRomania


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