Što su rekli o raznolikosti

13.05.21. | Intervju

The pre-pandemic research has shown that the global GDP might be increased by around ¼ by closing the gaps between men and women in the workplace by 2025. We believe that companies have a great responsibility in increasing representation of women and providing equal opportunities for all, in all positions. Due to internal policies companies can introduce, they can adapt and change faster than governments and therefore, bring faster changes for the many people.

U sklopu dvogodišnjeg projekta Lideri uključivosti na radnome mjestu nastavljamo s intervjuima s čelnicima kompanija potpisnika Povelje o raznolikosti. Intervjui su na engleskom jeziku kako bi iskustva bila približena svim europskim poveljama kao i Europskoj komisiji.

#poveljaoraznolikosti #hrpsor #IKEA #IKEAHrvatska #dop #D&I #WIC #workplaceinclusionchampion #europeancommission #EUdiversityplatform #DiversityCharterCroatia #DiversityCharterSlovenia #DiversityCharterRomania

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